Uniquely Elmira

Giving back to the community, engaging in research, growing through unique learning opportunities, 取得专业上的成功——mg冰球突破豪华版下载社区有很多成功的故事可以分享. 有趣的事实:mg冰球突破豪华版下载是马克·吐温研究中心的所在地, 它吸引了来自世界各地的吐温学者,是美国四个具有重要历史意义的吐温遗产之一.

Uniquely Elmira

Experience 校园

Let our Gold Keys be your campus tour guide! 参观校园是探索mg冰球突破豪华版下载为您提供的一切的最佳方式. Led by current Elmira students, 您将参观我们的设施,包括我们最先进的护理模拟实验室,并听取我们的一位专家教授关于环境科学和可持续发展的讲座, catch a Soaring Eagles athletics event, 和在校学生谈谈他们的经历.


A female student leads a campus tour by the Puddle

Join the Elmira Community

申请过程很简单,我们在这里帮助你. Gather up all your information and let’s get started. 如果你有任何问题,让你的招生顾问知道.

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We are here to answer all of your questions!


Your Education at Elmira

Explore All Degrees & Programs

mg冰球突破豪华版下载将文科教育和行业知识结合到课堂上,塑造你,并为你提供顶级雇主所寻找的技能. With more than 35 majors, 未成年人, and concentrations, 你将拥有跨学科教育的基础,并将这些知识带入职场或研究生院.

Full List of Degrees

Become a Soaring Eagle

At Elmira College, you'll have opportunities that shape your future, raise your sights, 并为你提供专业成功所需的工具和技能. Whether you're an undergraduate or graduate student, 招生团队会在这里帮助你的每一步.


Lauren Woodcock '23

“作为高中17名学生的告别辞代表, EC给了我已经准备好的严格的学术要求,同时确保我得到了我习惯的同样的时间和关注. At EC, I knew I wouldn’t be just a number.”

Lauren Woodcock '23

The Tassel Is Worth the Investment

我们的目标是让你尽可能轻松地说:“是的。!“你是否在考虑mg冰球突破豪华版下载的新生, a transfer, or a graduate student, 我们将与您一起探索每一个选择,并开始您的旅程. 我们知道选择一所大学的经济部分是一个重大的决定, 所以当你被埃尔迈拉录取时,你会自动获得奖学金或奖励. 



Student Life at Elmira

Living on 校园

大学生活的一部分是认识来自世界各地和各行各业的学生. 最好的方法之一就是住在校园里. A true home away from home, residence halls are communities where you'll reset, 充电, and have fun with friends. 而mg冰球突破豪华版下载的餐饮计划侧重于工艺和提供新鲜, 有创意的, 季节性, and made-from-scratch meals to fuel your body. 这些共同的经历可以带来支持系统和终身友谊.

Housing Services

Dining Services

Students walk in front of Meier Hall on a fall day

Find Your Place

mg冰球突破豪华版下载的俱乐部和组织和学生一样多样化. 在吉布森剧院或沃森竞技场享受免费入场表演, or join in on game nights, on-campus concerts, and DIY fun; even work out in our fitness center, take a yoga class, or participate in recreational sports.

Student 事件 & Activities

The Soaring Eagles

没有什么能像一场主场篮球比赛那样充满活力,站满了学生, Alumni, 教师, 工作人员, and friends cheering on their Soaring Eagles. Elmira College offers 16 varsity athletics teams, including seven men's, seven women's, and two co-ed teams. 飞鹰队参加了三级联赛,并获得了六次全国冠军, 包括三名女子冰球队员和三名啦啦队队员. 



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