Wells College Students

With announced closure, learn how EC can help.箭头

The 埃尔迈拉大学 荣誉项目 builds on our liberal arts commitment through an immersion in the practical liberal arts. It is for those with a high degree of motivation and wide-ranging intellectual and cultural curiosity.

You'll join a community of faculty, 工作人员, and peers in an integrated program of specially designed courses and co-curricular learning experiences. As part of the program, you'll explore the liberal arts and sciences in a way that nurtures civic engagement while shaping you to be a scholar and professional.

Students write on paper together in an information technology class

The 荣誉项目 experience begins in the first term of your freshman year with special sections of Freshman Writing and 第一年研讨会 that explore a common theme. 讲座, 实地考察旅行, 电影, and other co-curricular experiences related to the theme accompany regular class work, allowing students to expand their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Honors students are expected to complete at least 30 credits of coursework each academic year and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.50或以上.

Honors program course work includes:

  • Honors FYS and Writing
  • Three honor's elective courses of your choosing
  • 荣誉研讨会

Admission to the Program


  • 高中平均绩点(3.70或以上)
  • Completed application and admission to the College

All entering students' achievements at the time of admission to the College are reviewed and qualifying candidates are contacted for admission into the program.

For additional information about the 荣誉项目, contact:

Dr. 马克Pitner
Assistant Professor of Asian 历史, 荣誉项目 Director
(607) 735-1181
